07791 762 341 info@inspiramos.co.uk


The world’s most complete and innovative strengths profiling system that helps energise peak performance at work

Inspiramos is now a Strengthscope® accredited partner for the only profiling and coaching approach from the Positive School of Psychology to have full validation from the British Psychological Society.

The Strengthscope® system is the world’s most complete and innovative strengths profiling system that helps energise peak performance at work. Inspiramos can develop individual Strengthscope reports for clients and also deliver individual and team training workshops to ensure understanding of the reports.

The key purpose of Strengthscope® is to build work-based resilience through identifying and utilising individual strengths. Companies such as Tesco, Legal & General, PhotoBox and BOC have successfully used Strengthscope® with either staff members or potential new recruits to support:

  • Understanding of how to apply the 7 key strengths at work and minimise performance risks
  • Optimise performance by utilising strengths to their maximum
  • Building a personal brand
  • Understanding what energises and what drains people at work
  • Identification of the activities that will stretch people’s strengths without panic or burnout

Strengths Partnership’s own research into the value and application of strengths and specifically the use of Strengthscope® in strengths-based development initiatives reveals:

  • 73% improvement in overall work performance and results
  • 79% improvement in confidence in strengths and how they could best contribute at work
  • 66% removal or reduction in limiting weaknesses by capitalising on strengths

These results are explained in the ‘Strengthening Workplaces’ White Paper, which is available on request from Inspiramos: info@inspiramos.co.uk.
The results have excellent reliability and validity and companies can also measure return on investment, whether it be through customer retention, employee performance, employee morale and reduction in hiring costs.

Call Bob Bevil for more information 07791 762 341 or email us at info@inspiramos.co.uk