Interpersonal Skills Courses
Courses including Interactive Skills, People Skills and Soft Skills
There exists a plethora of research from different disciplines that suggests that success in the work-place and at home is intrinsically linked to our ability to conduct ourselves in the company of others. Indeed, one of the most widely used definitions of management is “getting things done through other people”. Do you get things done through other people?
It has been suggested that people who are happy and people who are successful appear to have a natural and/or highly developed ability to read the actual and potential behaviour of others around them and construct their own conduct in accordance with this reading. Does this apply to you?
Interpersonal skills (sometimes referred to as interactive skills, people skills, face-to-face skills, social skills or soft skills) have been a particular area of interest for Bob Bevil since he first graduated as a social psychologist and sociologist in 1991. At Inspiramos we have delivered a vast array of interpersonal skills programmes to a vast array of audiences. In that every organisation has a unique culture within which interaction occurs, we believe strongly in coming in to meet you in person and finding out about you and your culture before proffering a developmental solution. We also have a sister company, One Sheet Workshops, that offers online workshop materials for those managers that would like to support their teams within their own team environment.
In addition to his extensive experience of bespoke interpersonal skills training Bob Bevil is an accredited Miller Heiman Group Master Trainer and coach of Professional Selling Skills™, Professional Engagement Skills™, Account Development Strategies™, Winning Account Strategies™ , Professional Sales Coaching™ and Professional Prospecting Skills™.

Call Bob Bevil for more information 07791 762 341 or email us at