07791 762 341 info@inspiramos.co.uk

Maria Lusardi, Associate

Professional Sales Coach

Maria Lusardi is a professional sales coach with over 35 years of experience in the fields of sales, leadership, training and coaching.  Over the years she has supported many sales people achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Her field of expertise is working in a one-to-one environment, as she believes that by observing individual behaviours and conducting pre-coaching discussions, the right tools can be applied to calls to ensure success for the sales person. Maria thrives on working collaboratively and has supported Inspiramos over the years with field sales coaching and bespoke workshops for clients.

Maria’s experience also spans the world of commerce from management to training and development with a strong background in Sales, Customer Service and Leadership supported by Coaching. She is an NLP business practitioner, which complements her academic business qualifications attained at Warwick University. This rare combination gives her a solid knowledge of business practice whilst communicating at the highest levels. Her experience is varied and having worked in demanding industries such as healthcare, financial services, environmental and oil, she understands the difficulties and pressures that people face in their working lives.

To date Maria’s corporate career has included work with multi-national organisations in the UK, Europe, The Middle East and The Far East. With previous responsibility for large sales structures, she has the credibility required to coach sales teams and their managers. She has recently worked with companies such as:  Janssen, Roche, Bupa, Abbott, DHL, State Street Bank, Gulf Bank, Baker Hughes, Halliburton and many more. 

Maria’s fresh approach to coaching truly supports the development of people and her passion to coach them into long term, sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with their customers.