Deborah Sowry, Associate
DAS Training Ltd
She originally trained as a nurse in Birmingham working in the ITU and Surgical areas and continued to specialize in stoma care. Having a keen interest in training, and gaining experience as a mentor and assessor for NVQs, Deborah became an account manager in the medical sales industry and commenced a very successful sales career. She then held the position of Training Manager, qualified as a trainer with her Certificate in Training Practice and also is a NLP practitioner.
She works for a variety of training companies delivering accredited training programmes and also over the last 2 years has worked with Inspiramos supporting a field coaching across the UK for a pharmaceutical company.
Deborah’s area of expertise focuses on sales training, field coaching and presentation skills training. She has also written and delivered training packages for the healthcare industry. Her experience also encompasses negotiation skills training, telesales training and creating clinical education/training packages for private medical companies. Her wealth of experience of over the years has spanned the pharmaceutical, media, beauty, technology, food and drinks industries.
Deborah has a passion for selling and communication skills. She believes communication skills to be at the heart of all successful sales and is an expert in transferring this expertise to others. She creates a very comfortable learning environment, where her natural style and wealth of experience enable her participants to really get involved and achieve their objectives. Her natural style makes her easy to relate to and she likes to coach and mentor each person in the room to ensure everyone is along on the journey.