07791 762 341 info@inspiramos.co.uk

Dave Hood, Associate

Training for Positive Change

Dave’s extensive career over the last 26 years has been dedicated  to helping organisations and individuals achieve their business objectives through improving their skills and confidence through training.

As a trainer and performance coach, Dave challenges current thinking and behaviours in order to help individuals, groups and teams diagnose their current performance and he then support them develop skills and generate practical solutions in order to move forward.

Dave is a master trainer in the disciplines of Professioinal Selling Skills, high performance leadership skills and customer service skills. He works with a number of companies across different sectors from Pharmaceuticals to IT and Agricuture. A recent leadership project with a multi national pharmaceutical company developed lobbying and high impact presentation skills. This has improved their ability to achieve internal and external ‘buy in’ to new projects.

Another project with a medial devices company equipped senior leaders to facilitate a major organisational change programme. This ongoing ‘mass engagement’ process generated positive interest from other divisions and organisations.  Dave has also been running a successful leadership academy for a European IT logistics company for the past five years.

Coaching is a keen interest and Dave is currently working as a team member of Inspiramos delivering in field sales coaching for a Janssen sales organization. He also acts as executive coach for a number of  business leaders. These executive coaching sessions are initially  face to face and then conducted over Skype from a logistics and cost perspective.

Although the technical challenges faced in each organisation are unique, Dave believes that ‘nothing changes until behaviour changes’  A total approach to any change initiative is essential, starting with initial involvement and communication and after any change implementation ensuring the capacity and ability to continue reinforcement through coaching.

Working with multicultural groups and individuals Dave has developed the credibility and confidence to create an appropriate balance of support and challenge in order to facilitate learning. He has specifically worked with Inspiramos to deliver coaching with field based indivduals across the UK and also bespoke coaching workshops designed with the client’s business in mind.

In terms of professional development, Dave has a degree in Agriculture, he is qualified with the Institute of Personnel Management (Now IPD). He is also qualified with Human Synergistics to use a range of behavioural change tools and is a practitioner in NLP which is helpful with executive coaching, change management and when designing and delivering training.